Wednesday, September 5, 2012

60 Days of Halloween-Day 4

Recipe of the Day
Back to work today after a long 3 day weekend of fun Halloween decorating.  Unfortunately, I had a long busy day and decided to skip a recipe today.  I will just have to try 2 this weekend to make up for the day :)

Project of the Day
Over the weekend, during one of my several trips to Michael's craft store, I found a wood frame that would fit perfectly over my thermostat.  In the Halloween section, there was a ton of cute halloween wood pieces that was a good size for the frame.  I spray pained the frame Orange from the left over paint I had from the wine bottle project and glued the pieces to the frame.  This project I happened to think of while at Michaels.

60 Days of Halloween-Day 3

Recipe of the Day
This recipe, I found at  I had more success with this recipe, although still some trouble.  I still can't seem to melt the chocolate.  I have done this hundreds of times before, so I don't know what the deal is these last couple of days.  This time, the chocolate balled up.  As you can clearly see in the photo below, the little white balls in the mix is the melted chocolate.  My son loved today's recipe regardless of the chocolate issue, so it all worked out.

Project of the Day
I have noticed several pins lately with branches from a tree used as decor.  My family and I went for a walk around our neighborhood and collected sticks and pin cones.  I bought a package of fall styrofoam decor from the dollar tree and added it with the pine cones and sticks and it actually looks good. Now as long as I can keep the cat away from this for the next couple of months we have a nice fallzy look going on, on top of the piano.  

60 Days of Halloween-Day 2

Recipe of the Day
I chose a recipe from blog.  I am not a huge fan of flavored popcorn, but this looked pretty tasty.  Again (2 days in a row now...) my attempt at this yummy recipe did not work out very well.  This time I stuck to the recipe for the most part.  I could not find white chocolate bark at any store so I was forced to use baking white chocolate.  I had some left over Reeses Pieces so I decided to add these as well.  When I melted the chocolate following the instructions on the package, it did not want to melt.  Instead it became like a paste of some sort.  Once I finally got it thin enough to mix the chocolate did not want to harden.  After waiting 40+ minutes to dry, it didn't.  That didn't stop me from eating it though.  I never would have imagined this was going to taste as good as it did.

Project of the Day
 Because I have candy corn on the mind, I decided to try another candy corn project.  I seen this idea on Pinterest (of course) but the blog site has been removed, so I only had the photo to go off of.  Seemed pretty straight forward, just put candy corn in a glass and stick a candle in the middle.  That is exactly what I did and it worked.  Of course I had to put these next to my previous project....

60 Days of Halloween-Day 1

Recipe of the Day
Today I tried a Rice Krispies Treat recipe I found from lovefromtheove blog.  Something went terribly wrong somewhere.  I followed the recipe with the exception of adding Reeces Pieces instead of the candy corn M&Ms and now that I think about it I also forgot to add the white chocolate & the candy corn.  I added these pumpkin and ghost sprinkles that I bought at Target and would not recommend using these for this recipe.  These sprinkles are like eating pure sugar and overpowers the flavor of the rest of the treat.  The chocolate from the candies I added seemed to have melted turning the mixture a weird green color.  Maybe I added these candies too soon from taking the marshmallows off the stove?  Overall, the taste wasn't that bad.  It's definitely a recipe I will attempt again, but next time, I will stick to the recipe. 

Project of the Day
I currently work in the Wine business.  When I seen a pin on Pinterest using wine bottles to paint as candy corn, I knew this was going to have to be my first project.  I have a ton of wine bottles and I love the candy corn color scheme.  I found the instructions for this at wheresmydreamlife.  I was very surprised at how easy this was and how well it actually turned out.  After the paint dried, I used my hot glue gun and glued the ribbons onto the bottle.  A thinner ribbon for the bow would have worked out a little better.  Since I am pretty new still at this whole crafting concept, I still have a lot to learn.  

Monday, September 3, 2012

60 Days of Halloween

I cannot explain how much I love the holiday season. Beginning Sept 1st every year I begin prepping for the holidays to extend it for as long as possible. Since I have a huge obsession with Pinterest, this year I decided I am going to actually try some of the things I pin instead of just looking at and wishing I could do some of these. From Sept 1st to Halloween my plan is to try a different recipe and a different project from my favorite Halloween/fall pins.